Preparation of the basis of the site. Work with the repository and control of all processes in general.
Helping the team and all developers with difficulties. Development of the registration window. Designing a light and dark website theme.
Layout of footer and modal window with team members. Organization of team meetings.
Layout of the main page container for the correct positioning of movie cards (mobile phone, tablet, desktop). Implementation of uploading of popular films to the main (first) page. Presentation of the project.
Implementation of the logic of interaction with local stories. Help in stylization of modacles and team cards
Layout of a modal template for one film (mobile phone, tablet, desktop). Implementation of requests.
Layout and connection of pagination
Layout of the "My Library" page for the correct positioning of movie cards (mobile phone, tablet, desktop)
Layout of the header of the main page. The logic of pressing the library and home buttons. Implementation of keyword search.
Logic for opening and closing a movie card on any page with dynamically populated movie information.
Spinner connection/layout for asynchronous requests.